About Us

Our club is a small well established club with members from St Germans and the surrounding villages and area. The club is open to all who have a gardening interest.No particular level of expertise or  experience is required.We meet once per month on the third wednesday of the month in the The Eliot Hall, the  St Germans village hall,. From January to May we have a guest speaker each month.In June and July we visit gardens in Cornwall and Devon usually in the afternoon and usually with tea and cake afterwards.In September and November we have two more speakers, October is our AGM which is mainly a social evening. Finally in December we have an excellent Christmas dinner  usually on the third wednesday of the month.There is a small charge, for speakers evenings,of £2 per person for members and £3 for non members. To gain the full benefits of the club there is an annual fee of £10. For further information contact our chairman on 01503 230629 or our treasurer on 01503 230431.

The Club has membership of the Royal Horticultural Society and  the Cornwall Garden Society which has some very interesting events throughout the year. To see what they are up to ,click on this link


The Royal Horticultural Society has a comprehensive website with details of their gardens, gardening advice and specific plant information with a large amount of other information. To access their site click on this link below,

https://www.rhs.org.uk/#nav-gardening. Members of our club can get free access for one person using the club card, to any of the RHS sites around the UK.